The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also called Confession or Penance, is a Sacrament of Healing through which we repent of our sins, express contrition,receive absolution for sins committed after Baptism, and are reconciled with God and with our brothers and sisters. Frequent examination of our conscience and the Grace of the Sacrament help us grow in desire and ability to be more faithful followers of Christ.
Confession at Holy Family is every Saturday 4 – 4:30pm and the 1st Friday of the month immediately following 9am Mass.
Please call the Parish Office to inquire about reception of this Sacrament outside of regularly scheduled times.
For more information about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, visit:
Sacraments 101: Why We Confess (Penance)
Confession 101: What It is and How to Do It Part 1
Confession 101: What It is and How to Do It Part 2