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Liturgical Ministries

What is “Liturgy”?
The word “liturgy” comes from the Greek word leitourgia, meaning public duty or “service to the state that is undertaken by a citizen”. Our Catholic liturgy is the act of public worship given to God by His people.  We gather as one community to pray, praise, offer thanksgiving and to celebrate the Rites and Sacraments.  Thus, Catholic Sacraments, Rites and liturgies belong to the whole Church. They are not private events.  The whole Church, the Body of Christ, is nourished through Her liturgy.  

Liturgical Ministry
Liturgical Ministers are members of a faith community who are called and commissioned to assist in certain areas of worship during liturgical celebrations.  For more information about becoming involved in liturgical ministry at Holy Family Catholic Parish, please email Barbara Dombroski.

Liturgical Ministries  
Altar Server

Extra-Ordinary Minister of Holy Eucharist  
Eucharistic Set-Up Ministry
Junior Ushers
Weekend Scheduling and Time Commitment

Liturgical Support Ministries
Baptism Ministry Team
Funeral Ministry Team

Liturgical Environment Team
Laundering Altar Linens
Laundering Altar Server Albs (robes)