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Baptism, a Sacrament of Initiation, is the first of all Sacraments we receive.  Through Baptism, we are cleansed of the effects of Original Sin, adopted as sons and daughters of God, called to live as Christ's disciples, and promised Resurrection with Him.  A person receives the Sacrament of Baptism only once, usually as an infant or child, though the Sacrament may be recieved at any age.  For more information on baptism at Holy Family Catholic Parish, please review the information below and contact Barb Dombroski. Staff will work with your family in preparing for and scheduling the Baptismal. 

Holy Family Parish family looks forward to celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism with you!
Parents seeking baptism at Holy Family Catholic Parish must:
1) Be registered parishioners of our parish.
2) Have completed a Baptism Preparation Class within 3 years prior to the date of baptism.
3) Complete and submit the following to the parish office, by two weeks prior to the date of baptism 

Baptism Preperation Class:
Baptism Class is required for new parents, as well as for parents who have not taken a Baptism Class with 3 years prior to the Baptism of their child.  Godparents, though not required, are encouraged to join us for this class as well.  Parents are welcome to attend Baptism Class at another Parish if doing so works better for their family schedule.  Please be sure to obtain a certificate or letter of participation for class attended at a different Parish other than Holy Family.  Click here to see our Baptism Class Schedule.

Baptism Mass Schedule:
Though receiving a Sacrament is a celebration for individuals and for families, the Sacraments are also intended as grace-filled celebrations for our entire Faith community, the Universal Church!  Our Parish Baptism schedule is designed to reflect the communal nature of the Sacrament of Baptism, and to enable members of our Parish family to witness and celebrate with parents and families.  Baptism opportunities are offered during regularly scheduled weekend Mass.  Click here for the Baptism Mass Schedule.

Helpful Resources:
Baptism (why we baptize)
Things to Consider
Godparents for a Catholic Baptism
What Does It Mean to be a Catholic in Good Standing?
For Baptism of older children (age 8-18) and adults, please contact the Parish Office for more information.