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As Catholics, we are called to bury our loved ones in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church as a corporal work of mercy. We also pray for our beloved dead as prescribed in the Spiritual work of mercy to pray for the living and the dead. Our cemeteries assist in living out these Catholic obligations as we uphold the sacredness of the human body, belief in the resurrection of the body and everlasting life.

As a result of the three churches coming together as one to form Holy Family, we have three cemeteries that are maintained and managed by Holy Family.  The three cemetaries are: St. Mary’s Cemetery located on Kraft Ave. near the airport, St. Patrick Cemetery located on 92nd St. just east of Saskatoon Golf Course, and St. Joseph Cemetery located on the corner of Patterson Ave. and 146th Ave.

If you are interested in purchasing a plot or have any questions please contact the parish office.

Current Cemetery Policies